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- Druid Animal Oracle -

Bring the Power of the Anicent Druids' Wisdom Into Your Life

Spirits of the Elements

Price : $25.00

If you have ever had the feeling of being off kitlered or not quite sure what is off lately with yourself, Spirits of the Elemetns just might be the spread you are looking. This 5 card reading is done when one wishes gain insights into those aspects of oneself that may need developing or balancing, which areas of personal development that may need attending to.


The Druids beleive that the animals could impart improtant messages that could change our lives for the better if choose to listen.


Spirits of the Cirlce

Druidry recognizes the influence of the six factors on who we are, and the direction we take in life.

Our genes clearly influences us and this influenece is represented in the sacred circle as the collective Spirit of our Ancestors. We can use the Spirits of the Circle Spread to gain insight into how we are being influenced in our lifge and how we may best make use of the gifts or challenges that have been given to us by each of this six forces.

Price : $35.00

Truine Spread

Price : $35.00

The number 3 has alway been a magical number spiritually. This spread is design for clear cut description of the situtaion. The 3 card spread is to gain an overview of a situation, and to gain an insight into the reasons why it has arisen and its effects on both the emotional and the physical level.


Card 1: The first card represents the cause, dynamic, impulse, guiding idea, or motive behind a situation or event.


Card 2: The second card represents its effect at the emotional, social, or relationship level.


Card 3: The third card represents its effects at the physical level of manifestation-in the body or the concrete, tangible  world.

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