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- Medicine Wheel Reading -

Uncover the Power of the Medicine Cards,

discover the Ancient Wisdom of the Great Wheel of Life. 

The Medicine Wheel represents harmony and connections with all the directions. It is considered a major symbol of peaceful interaction among all living beings on Earth. This is what is spread is based; this Spread is a way to reveal what lies beneath and help uncover what is hidden. By removing the veil of lies and self-deceptions we can see what  has been holding us back and prevent us from growing.


The Reading

The Medicine Wheel Spread, each of the four directions reveal certain things that you need to reflect upon in your personality. They also disclose how you are learning from yourself, from others, and from the animals.



1. The East card: 

The card in this position reveals where your spiritual strengths lies, and indicates the direction your spiritual path is taking. It can also reveal the major challenge to seeing clearly in your present situation.


2.The South card: 

The card in this position describes how its animal medicine is teaching the child within you, as your adult self walks through life. It is what you need to trust in yourself and what you need to nurture in your growing process.


3.The West card: 

The card in this position gives you the internal solution to your present life challenges. It indicates where your goals need attention and how to reach the desired end.


4. The North card: 

The card in this position teaches you how you may spiritually apply and integrate the lessons of the other directions. The Animal Medicine of the card appearing in the North is the key to walking in wisdom, knowing the teacher within, and connecting to the higher-self's purpose and intention.


5. The Sacred Mountain card: 

The position of the Sacred Mountain asks you to look at the present. In this position you are standing, in a sense, at the crossroads of the spiritual and physical realities have melded to produce the "you" of the present moment. Since all things evolve, tomorrow this "you" will have grown in understanding and your card may be different. In accepting this omen of you are in the present, you may then see what needs changing or modifying, whether you are balanced or upset, and if you need to enter the silence for answers.

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