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- Sun Lodge Reading -

Uncover the Power of the Medicine Cards,

discover the Ancient Wisdom of the Great Wheel of Life. 

The Medicine Wheel represents harmony and connections with all the directions. It is considered a major symbol of peaceful interaction among all living beings on Earth. This is what is spread is based; this Spread is a way to reveal what lies beneath and help uncover what is hidden. By removing the veil of lies and self-deceptions we can see what  has been holding us back and prevent us from growing.


The Reading

The Sun Lodge spread is a Medicine Wheel spread, it deals with your outer actions. Discover the insight that determines how others see you.It is a spread of outwards relationships, and in using it you are asking the medicine powers to tell you how another person might perceives you.


The Four cards are drawn and placed in the classic direction positions on the Medicine Wheel and in the center is the person in question. With each reading you receive a coloured PDF file that is generally 4 - 6 long and printable. It includes a description of each of the four positions and their meanings as well as a detail explanation of the Animal Medicine coming thru in the reading and how it deals with your question.


1. The East Card: 

This card is reflects of how the person sees you in your daily life, how you interact and your spiritual qualities.


2. The South Card: 

This card is an indication of how the person sees you in relation to the material world.


3. The West Card

This card is an indication of how the person is likely to interact with you in response to your deepest desires.


4. The North Card: 

This card reflects on how the person views you on how you deal with life and your intellectual.


5. The Central Card: 

This card reflects the total view the person is likely to have of you. It suggests how the person will immediately respond to your presence.




Each reading is done by hand and is not computer generated. Please allow 24-48 hours 

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