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- Druid Animal Oracle -

Bring the Power of the Anicent Druids' Wisdom Into Your Life

Arianrhod Spread

Price : $35.00

Ariannrhod is the Druid goddess of the Wheel, the Circle and spider's web. The spider is a creature whose web symbolizes the Web of Life! Sacred to the Goddess, she represents the process of weaving-another idea that is central to Druid ritual and teaching. This spread, the first card-representing the Self-is laid in the center, and eight cards are laid in a circle around it, in a sunwise sequence that starts in the NW at the place of the Druid New Year, at Samhuinn.


The reading is used to gain insight for the year that is to come or review the that has passed! It is idea for an annual reading on one of the festival days, such as Samhuinn- a traditional time for divination. The sequence of the eight cards may relate to a cycle of time other than a year.

Awen Spread

Awen means literally "flowing spirit" and is the Druid term for divine inspiration or blessing. This spread is a development of the Truine Spread and involves the laying out of nine cards to create the Awen symbol of three rays of Light. The are laid out in three lines of three cards as pictured. The left-hand ray represents the Past, the centre ray the Present and the right-hand ray the Future. As in the Truine Spread the top cards represent the guiding ideas, causes, impulses, or dynamics, the middle cards the emotional effects, and the bottom cards the physical level of manifestation.

Hearth Spread

Price : $35.00

Price : $35.00

Although the Hearth Spread may be use to gain insight into any situation or event, it is particularly helpful in clarifying issues relating to the home or relationships. The layout is based upon the Druid Symbol for the Spirit of the Home or Hearth, as found carved in Brittany.

The positions represent the following aspects of the situation or question asked:

  • EAST     1 and 2   Perceived   The way you perceive or think about yourself or the issue.

  • SOUTH  3 and 4   Observed   The way you or the issue is perceived by others.

  • NORTH 5 and 6  Desired  The way you want yourself or the issue to be.

  • SOUTH  7 and 8  Potential  The way you or the issue could be.

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