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Getting The Most Of Your Reading!

When you invest in a psychic reading, you're investing in your future - quite literally! So of course you want to get the best reading possible. Try the tips we've listed below to make your reading the best it can be! Prepare yourself for the reading. Make a list of questions, and choose a clear focus. This makes it easier for the psychic to access your energy. Choose your time and place carefully. A quiet space where you won't be interrupted is best. Make sure you are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs during the reading, and avoid getting a reading during a crisis - unless you want the reading to focus on that.

Expect to be surprised! Even when you have planned a focus, sometimes the psychic will sense something far more pressing in your mind or in your future. Enter the reading with an open mind, and you won't be disappointed! Take notes. This will enable you to recall the information and prepare a course of action to transform your life into what you want! Ask appropriate questions. Don't pester the reader with nonstop questioning, but if you don't understand what they are saying or if you need them to slow down so you can catch up on your notes, let them know. Settle for a psychic who isn't right for you.NO! Trust your gut feelings about a psychic, but also use your brain to collect facts so you can make informed decisions. Find out what methods psychics use for support (Tarot, astrology, Akashic Records), and choose one you feel good about. Playing "stump the psychic". Besides wasting your time, the psychic will become frustrated and perhaps lose focus on your reading. Surrender your power after the reading. You have free will, and you can control and change much of what a psychic will predict. The main purpose of a psychic is to advise you on what to do and what to avoid in order to have a good future. Doubting your psychic's abilities. If you feel uneasy with a reading, try a different psychic until you find one with whom you are comfortable. Think about the reading as a whole. Did it echo your life and circumstances? Were most of the future events and suggestions possible in your life? Sometimes a psychic will predict something that seems impossible at the time, such as a marriage or a significant increase in income, but if the rest of the reading resonates, chances are the psychic is spot-on. Review the list of questions you made before the reading as well as the notes you took during it. Try not to think about new questions, or your focus will change, and your reading will feel unfinished. Have all your concerns been addressed? Do you have insight into what's happening around you? If you can formulate a clearer view of your life and a course of action, your reading was complete. Consider your feelings about the reading. If you felt comfortable during the reading and you feel good afterward, then the reading was a success. Even if the psychic told you something you didn't want to hear, psychic readings are supposed to be a healing experience, and you should walk away from it feeling positive. Now that your concerns about a particular topic have been addressed, what about the rest of your life? Where else could you use some clarity and guidance? If you think of more questions about another area of your life, such as love, career, finances, or personal growth, get another reading, and start all over again! Have a great reading!

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